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Durham Region Senior Games 55+

Board Positions

All positions require regular attendance that board meetings and when possible assisting at games events.  


District Co-ordinato (commonly called "Chair") 

Major roles

  • Becomes familiar with all aspects of the Durham Region Senior 55+ Games programs and act as liaison between Ontario Senior Games Association and Durham

  • Assists committee members when necessary and offer suggestions to make their jobs easier


  1. Calls and presides over committee meetings.

  2. Provides an organizational structure which allows each member the opportunity to express concerns and opinions and interact with fellow members.

  3. Establishes deadlines for task completions.

  4. Preparation of registration forms for both the Summer and Winter Games and providing information about the games.

  5. Ensures announcements that are made before each event.

  6. Approves material for the website with the committee.

  7. Creates the end of year report to the OSGA.

  8. Participates at summer and winter venues


Major roles

  • Recording and distributes the minutes of all meetings of the Durham Region Senior 55+ Games committee. 

  • Sends letters of congratulations, gratitude and concerns and respond to incoming questions and requests when directed to do so by the Board


  1. Creates minutes of meetings which may be in point form but shall contain enough detail to present points of view expressed and actions taken.

  2. Has access to addresses of committee members and all participants in the Durham Region Senior 55+ Games.

  3. Collaborates with the Chair in all out-going correspondence.

  4. Attends meetings called by the chair. 

  5. Participate at summer and winter venues.


Major roles

  • Keeps of full and accurate records of all financial transactions of the Durham Region Senior 55+ Games (DRSG) and on request provides financial information throughout the year.


  1. Maintains the BMO bank account and prepares a monthly reconciliation to the accounting records.

  2. Gives a financial report at all General and Board Meetings.

  3. Completes Financial Reports required by the Ontario Senior Games Association and provides it to the Chair Person after Summer events and end of calendar year.

  4. Prepares ad hoc financial reports as required after Summer and Winter events to enable the Board to better understand the financial impacts of the games.

  5. Maintains forms to assist Board requests for expense reimbursement, mileage allowance and Petty Cash refunds.  Forms: Cheque Request, Mileage, Petty Cash

  6. Assists in any audit conducted on the records

  7. Oversees and executes processes including

  • The deposit of funds into the DRSG bank account by one of the three authorized persons in a timely manner

  • The withdrawal of funds from the DRSG bank account which are by cheque only.  Cheques require two of the three persons authorized by DRSG

  • Cheque signers shall not issue cheques to themselves

  • Cheque signers will only sign cheques upon receipt of supporting documents for amounts payable

  • Petty cash may be advanced up to $500.  Receipt/Refund documentation must be submitted to the Treasurer to support expenditures/refunds and the unused balance returned to the Treasurer if not used within 30 days

  • All payments made in cash must be supported by a receipt from the payee acknowledging receipt of cash and date of payment

Promotions & Media Director

Major roles

  • Seeks out opportunities to make the seniors of Durham Region more aware of the Durham Region Senior 55+ Games program.


  1. Compiles a list of community events from those suggested by members of the Durham Region Senior 55+ Games committee. When possible, the list will include the name of the event, date, location and a contact name or number.

  2. Will personally seek out opportunities from community websites, advertisements and any other means at his/her disposal.

  3. May also identify media opportunities such as radio programs or television shows that are geared to seniors or fit within the parameters of the Games program.

  4. Makes the Durham Region Senior 55+ Games committee aware of upcoming opportunities.

  5. May be asked to gather further information about events deemed viable by the committee and may take a lead role in organizing/conducting the promotion.

Games Coordinator 

Major roles

  • All aspects of scheduling District games including date, time and location as well as appointing convenors. 


  1. Ensures that all event convenors know the rules and necessary details for the operation of their activity and arrange for the purchase of necessary equipment and rental of facility, if required.

  2. Completion of all forms required by the OSGA 55+ including the District Games Report,  the Summer and Winter Final Reports.

  3. Works with the Games Registrar to ensure these forms are completed accurately and delivered on time.

Games Registrar 

Major roles

  • Responsible for registering all participants in any event run by the Board.


  1. Picks up the mail regularly and frequently during the period when registrations are expected.

  2. Maintains and updates a database with all pertinent information of the participants and shall forward the Webmaster.

  3. Keeps convenors informed of the number of participants in their event and shall give them a final tally one week in advance of their event.

  4. Deposits all entry fees and inform the Treasurer each time a deposit is made.  All refunds for overpayments shall be issued by cheque or from petty cash, supported by a copy of the Registration Form(s).

  5. Provides on-site registration at the event and inform the convenor when all participants have arrived.

Technological Communications Director 

Major roles

  • Maintains the Durham Region Senior 55+ Games website

  • Plans and executes email communication and marketing

  • Ensures technology is useful, current and secure

1. Timely payment yearly of website and related fees.
2. Providing visitors to the site with a user-friendly experience.
3. Ensuring the information on the site is up-to-date (game results, photos, sponsor
links, calendar of events, forms and notices, minutes of meetings and any other
information approved by the Durham Region Senior 55+ Games committee).
4. Periodically testing the website to ensure links are working properly.
5. Responding to requests and suggestions made by the Durham Region Senior
55+ Games committee with regards to the website.
6. Providing feedback to the committee on the use of the website and seeking ways
to enhance its use.

Past Chair

Major role

The immediate past Chair may attend meetings and be available in an advisory capacity to the Chair as requested.

Major role
Organizing and overseeing the execution of their event. (Not a board position.) 
  1. Offer suggestions regarding the time, location and cost of their event.  The Board shall make the final decisions.

  2. Assist in the event-day registration. In the case of late entries (after one week prior to the event), it is the convenor’s decision whether or not to accept the late entries.

  3. Run the event within the specifications and guidelines established by the Board. Specific duties include ensuring site preparation, scheduling, securing all materials necessary for the running of the event, the scoring of and determining of the final placings in their event, and announcing the winners of the gold, silver and bronze pins if no member of the Board is present.

  4. Promote the event by distributing information to known clubs and leagues involved with their event and encouraging individuals to participate.

Anchor - Board Positions
Community Support Representatives

Major roles

Provide a vital link between the Durham Region Senior 55+ Games and the Seniors’ Centres in the municipalities of Durham Region. (Not a board position.)

1. Promote the Durham Region Senior 55+ Games and its objective of
encouraging a healthy active lifestyle for seniors.
2. Attend general meetings of the Durham Region Senior 55+ Games and
participating in the discussion and decision-making process.

3. Gather information, when requested, from their clientele and from their

Community Support
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